IMF SDG Financing Tool
Services in partenrship with the
IMF Creative Lab:
User Experiece
Visual Design
The first online policy analysis tool by the International Monetary Fund.
The IMF SDG Financing Tool is an interactive scenario builder that can be used to assess the macroeconomic coherence of countries' SDG financing plans. It helps stakeholders advance long-term comprehensive plans, evaluate the impact of policies, and compare financing options.
Building a new advocacy and communications platform.
We Partnered with Purple Strategies and Delta Airlines to launch a new website,, aimed at U.S. policymakers to demonstrate Delta's impact on employees and communities on a state-by-state basis.
As one of the largest airlines in the country, Delta is committed to giving back to communities where the company lives and serves. We developed a dynamic map that pulled together a breadth of state-based data on Delta's employees, one-stop destinations, seats per day and much more. Through this combination of data visualizations and strong content, the website gives lawmakers a sense of Delta's innovation, attention to customer experience and role in local communities.

During the extensive user experience phase, we iterated on an Excel based version of the tool seen to the left. Before moving to design we refined the user flows, data and visualizations in the interactive Excel doc.
Translating an Excel prototype into an online user centered application

Visual Designs

Washington, DC
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